Smiles Gallery

As part of our commitment to excellent patient care, we utilize the most advanced dental techniques designed to achieve and maintain optimal oral health for our patients. Cosmetic dentistry is not just about making teeth look white and straight: it tries to mimic nature. If you can't tell that dentistry was performed, then we've done our job well (as these photos illustrate).

Case 1

Hours before this photo was taken, this young man broke off about a third off of one of his upper front teeth.

Can you tell which one?

Answer: his upper left central incisor. This is an example of direct veneering.

Case 2

One of these teeth is a natural tooth, the rest have been restored with porcelain crowns.

Can you tell which one?

Answer: The tooth on the far left is untouched.

Case 3

This young woman was knocked from her bicycle by a car and lost one of her front teeth.

Can you tell which one?

Answer: The upper left central incisor is a false one made to look like real.

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